This is a simple review because everyone has probably seen, looked at, ogled and been told about Apple' s iPad BUT I just have to say one more time that it is simply AMAZING!!!! There really isn't much that I can say that isn't great about it. Now I was the person who preordered it the minute it was online that day from Apple. Yes if you haven't gathered already I am a complete gadget junkie. I simply drool over the latest and greatest and this was at the top of the list! I read my books on it. I do also have a Kindle and a Kobo. Well I did say I was a gadget junkie and accepting you have a problem is the first step...right? Although I have no desire to be cured! Anyway I check email, play games,surf the web, check weather and anything else you could possible imagine in the world of Buck Rogers. (Anyone born after 1980 won't get the reference by the way) ohhh and did I forget to say shop?? Yes I did well as if you didn't already assume I do like to shop and one of my favorite places is Ebay. I really don't know what I did before Ebay??? I should almost mark my life as preEbay and PostEbay really. I have my eBay app on my iPad and love to look for all the million things I just can't live without and could never normally find BUT that's a whole other post.
So for the Ask Aimee rating for Apple's iPad I give it a rocking 5 stars!
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