Well just one of my most embarrassing stories includes a visit to the Mystic Tan and since this is the NEW Mystic Tan HD and the other one is no longer at that location I feel that I can share my embarrassing story with you. But you promise to keep it just between us right? I went many years ago to the Mystic tan (the old one) and thought to myself ..... I don't need to go pee before I go in... "Im good" well.... I got into that damn thing and stood their naked waiting to get sprayed and it was soooo F****** COLD. I mean REALLY cold take your breath away cold. When it sprayed you it was like pure ice water spraying you from head to toe! Well you guessed it I started to pee. I tried with ALL my might to stop but I just couldn't!!!! so as the self tanner is being sprayed over my whole body this pee was dripping down my legs. CRAP!! I thought two things, First: I am mortified and Second: Im OLD yes I am now some old woman who cant hold her pee. Not only am I fat and getting a spray tan to cover up my fatness and cellulite BUT now I cant hold my own bladder. What's next? Depends for Gods sake? Ok well the spray tan was over and I was desperately wiping up my pee dribbles and thought that this was just something that no one will ever know and I will put this whole experience behind me and forget it ever happened. I was tanning for a trip we were taking and the next day I started to notice these stripes along both my legs. Yes I now looked like a spray tanned version of a zebra....I tried to add self tanner around it. I also tried to rub it off but there was no way around it my legs looked like a zebra.
Now I know what you are probably thinking...what Mystic tan was that and I am NEVER going there! but rest assured that Mystic Tan is gone and there is a brand new Mystic Tan HD with a warming spray YES I did say warming spray. So when I went on our last cruise I decided to give it another try. I know after my zebra experience I didn't have much hope but I went to the bathroom and peed my little heart out! The highly tanned man behind the counter assured me that this is the latest and greatest in spray tanning ( well he was very tan so he should know right? ) and with my cellulite butt cruise just a few days ahead I said what the hell. So this is a whole new Mystic Tan experience if I do say so myself. First it talks to you and in an animated voice it told me it is warming the unit...that made me feel better right away! I first put a lot of cream on my nails, hands and feet because it will make you look like you got in a fight with the self tanner bottle if you don't so really lather it on. I also put on a hair net and decided to keep my underwear on minus the bra this time (attractive huh??). I wasn't going to have a repeat of last time if I could under any circumstances help it so I was counting on that underwear! well the first spray came out and it was nice and warm yayy!!! no pee so far so good! So I listened obediently to the voice and put my foot on the numbered pads and turned myself around when told. I also put a piece of paper towel under each foot because the bottom of your feet get orange from the floor. This actually worked really well! After you are finished you just towel yourself off and a day before you shower and wait for your tan. I have to say that this was a really great natural looking tan colour. I picked medium because the "tanned guy" said that the light doesn't event show up and the dark is really dark. I really looked very natural for my whole seven day cruise. I did keep lotion on but other than that I didn't feel the need to apply more tanner throughout my trip.
I know after this post you are probably asking yourself why on earth would she share that embarrassing story with us? Well I now feel that I need to laugh at the crazy things that happen in our life and this was a long time ago.... I mean seriously it was really funny wasn't it? and now you and I can have a good laugh and hopefully next time you have a self tanning peeing zebra striping experience or something just as funny you will share your story and we can have a good laugh and realize not to take life so seriously.
So for my Ask Aimee D review I give this NEW Mystic Tan a pee free 4 Stars because it gives you a great sunless tan but if you don't load a lot of cream on your hands and feet you could look like you got in a fight with Snookie and her bottle of self tanner.
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